Even RPG Maker VX has a lot of new and great features, it wasn't worth THAT wait.
User Rating: 7.5 | RPG Maker VX PC
The Features, Scripting process, Graphics, Gameplay and others have been greatly improved, but incorrectly (or not) they removed a lot of functions from RMXP, Like the ability to create fogs in the maps. The Characters are TOO Chibi, i liked the characters in RMXP because they were..."balanced", but in RMVX they made me laugh when i first got to see them. The Chipset again? yes, the chipset is back, with new features, but is back, so....i don't really know but i liked the RMXP mapping. The auto-Event creator is just great, is perfect to get those pesky old doors and passages more easily than before, and the option to use vehicles is pretty good too, as well as the message creation system and the face-displaying system. Well, i think i pretty covered everything i wanted to say so, i'll be gone xD.