Amazingly easy and still usefull for creating a totally origional game.
This game is nothing short of brilliant. The Cause and Effect Event commands work so well, that the player does not even need to know and commands. Not even basic ones. Its as simple as adding 1+2. Serioulsy, thats about complex as it gets. Making games is one thing, but distributing them is another. At least on my computer, Half the CD's that I put the game on don't work right, or end up with half of the data on them. But that's just espected in computer games these days...always something to it.
But anyway the graphics are of...Dualscreen quality. Extremly smooth, but also extremly outdated. But with this game, the graphics mean almost nothing, as did Pokemon Red and Blue when they first released. If you can think up a good enough story and keep the player easily entertained, then who needs fancy, high-end graphics?
And as far as sound goes, there are many swooshes and animal screetches to pick from, but downloading whatever you want is also possible. The music is great and fits right in with it's RPG like arura. Bells and electric trumpets sound fast and oftenly getting themselves stuck in my tiny brain.
After trying to make several games, my attempts failed as I neared boredom. But folks, if you have enough motive and you really want to make a sweet game, it is highly possible that after many hours, friends may even WANT to play. Constructing your own storyline and characters to fight on your made up land that you design and take part in yourself, and even the creator can get addicted to his own creation. Making people want to play your game. Pride. There's not a price on feelings, I'll tell you that. And if you have a good imagination and are decently artistic, then this is one of the best games on the planet.