Rubies of Eventide is a good MMORPG with okay graphics and decent gameplay.

User Rating: 8.2 | Rubies of Eventide PC
Rubies of Eventide is a great MMORPG with so much potential.

Graphics 8/10 - The graphics aren't anything special. The weapons have extremely different looks, and none of the textures were very muddy. The game also sports fluid battle animations.

Sound 7/10 - The tunes are actually pretty good. They have some nice and epic songs to listen to while you're exploring the plains of Vormis or running rampant around a town. Some weapons also have some pretty interesting sounds. Enemy death sounds aren't that great, however. For instance, when an orc dies, it sounds more like a pig.

Gameplay 7/10 - The menu interfaces are very clean and simple. To move around you have a choice between the arrow keys or WASD, and the space bar is for jumping a short distance. The shopping menus are pretty good, as well. There are also many different zones and towns to explore. Combat, however, is where the game takes a hit. The combat is rather slow, being a turn-based RTS hybrid. For instance, when you click a monster to attack it, you have a preparation time. When that time is up, your character attacks, and then you have to go through a set recovery time before you can do anything else like move or attack again, or use an item.

Value 8/10 - This is a great game that is very much worth your time, and it's free.

One thing Rubies of Eventide sports is a "Risk and Reward" system. When you reach level 6, not only does this start, but so does the option of PvP combat. Risk and reward basically means that when you die you lose a set number of items and you get a death penalty status effect. The good thing about losing the items, however, is that you choose the items that you lose. If you don't want to lose any, you can find Wardens which populate towns and talk to them, where you can choose to Risk or Protect your items. Protecting items costs a little bit of Imperials, the game's main currency. The Reward part of the system, however, means that the more items you have risked, the more experience you get when you kill a monster.

There are also many different weapons to choose from and many enemies to kill. Just off the top of my head I can name Goblings, Goblins, Kobolds, Wolf Pups, Boars, and Bandits. The good thing is is that the game expands even more by classifying the monster types. For instance, the Kobolds not only have regular Kobolds, but they also have Kobold Apprentices, Kobold Miners, Kobold Sneaks, and Kobold Guards. This goes the same for Goblins. In the way of weapons, you can buy a bunch of weapons from the shopkeeper just in the starter town, named Kajblood. You can also buy and wear different types of armor, and dye it in Kajblood as well. Another great thing about the weapons is that you can choose if you want to carry one weapon or two. Some weapons are so big or heavy they must be carried with two hands by your character. These weapons generally do more damage. One handed weapons, however, are more like the short swords, long swords, or daggers, and these let you attack twice in one preparation phase, which is also reduced. There are also so many types of spells to choose from, from spells that enhance the power of your party to spells that can destroy an entire area of enemies.

Sadly, the community is very small, and there are only three servers that allow a maximum of 100 players, unless you donate to the creators. However, the size of the community is made up by how nice it is. Everyone on the forums is very helpful and willing to answer your questions. You can also ask a question on the Help channel (/h) in-game, and get it answered in seconds.

There are also many quests to discover and complete in Rubies. These can vary from delivering scrolls to certain NPCs to getting weapons to giving gifts to an NPC's girlfriend. For instance, one quest assigned by an NPC by the name of Torvok gives you a quest to go buy him a piece of marble that he can sit on, and the next quest he gives you requires you to enter very dangerous mines with powerful enemies to retrieve a dagger by the name of the Dragon's Tooth Dagger from a giant spider by the name of Nock.

Some of the areas in Rubies of Eventide are wildly varying, as well. For instance, the town of Kajblood mostly features vendors, the town of Carthas features many armor and weapon-smithing NPCs, and the town of Kendall Falls is a beautiful town with a giant waterfall and many streams flowing through the town. There are also many more towns to find. There is also something called a "Keep" or a "Temple" in or near each town and zone. Some temples feature quests to complete (like the Kajblood Keep, where there is a bounty on the Kobolds), and others act as a respawn point for when you die. When you do die, you type /rtt into the chat console and you are respawned at the temple that you are binded to, also like Kajblood Keep. Some of these can be very interesting, like the throne room in the Kajblood Keep has a pathway and an endless pit surrounding it.

All in all, Rubies of Eventide is a great MMORPG to try. If you don't like it, games like Last Chaos might suit you better.