I think Rubies of Eventide was my first mmorpg, but I played it for a while and then got off it. I am playing again now, because it was a very good game. The graphics are obviously out-dated, but the overall gameplay of the game is great. There is over 100 classes to choose from, along with even more skills. The community is the best I've seen in any game, and you will always get help whenever you need it. Overall I think this is one of the most satisfying free MMORPG's out there, for players who are more into gameplay than graphics. Also, people look at this game and then just fly right by it because of the graphics so this game doesn't have many players(last time I played), so if ur planning on playing this game invite ur friends to play too or something. Overall its a great game, its worth playing, but i do wish the developers would make a new version of it or something cuz the graphics are out-dated.
I've been playing it for about 3 hours now and it's pretty good for a free MMO.There are some problems but nothing huge.The combat system is kinda slow but nothing you cant wait for.It seems like you can play for a few h... Read Full Review
This game is good and promising if continuously worked on. It needs improvements. It's very good for a Free MMORPG, slow, but good. Gameplay-7/10 The gameplay is mainly just combat. There is quite a bit of exploring... Read Full Review