A well designed game with a few problems
User Rating: 7.2 | Rugby 2005 XBOX
Rugby 2005 is the newset game in the rugby series but does it give what rugby fans have been expectibg?Hmmmm...Yes and No and this is why Graphics:They are an ok piece of work.Players looks fairly good and enviroment looks good.But problems are that sometimes when your running the pitch goes a little blurred which makes it hard to see.The graphics look just like LMA Manager 2003.Ok but cold be better. Gameplay:This one deserves a 7 because of all of the different controls and options you can do int the game.E.G Punting,passing and tackling.The learning of the passing is very easy.But there are other things like rucks that take getting used to and learning.Players look fairly good when running and tackling looks very good.Passing looks are good and detailed like the spin in the ball is nice to look at.Overall good Sound:Only a 6 for me because you have commentary which is NOT very good to listen too.Commentators dont put alot of feel into the game and only one seems to speak.Pitch sounds are good likc tackling. Value:Alot of game modes and it will keep you playing for a good while.Lots of teams and create a player is fun as well. Overall:Pretty good.The best of the series for sure but could be alot better.Give it a try if you like rugby.