Best rugby game out there at the moment.
Ill just brake it down into a few quick points.
Graphics - Are on par with a ot of other sports games out there, I am able to run things maxed out without any issues.
Sound - Again the sound is pretty good and the commentry os not bad either.
Gameplay - They have managed to capture the game pretty well and all in all the game flow is really good. Sure there are a few parts they could ahve improved on and included in the game but it is still a lot of fun to play and can be quite hard on the harder settings unlike some games. Sadly they dont have the rights to all the players due to the other rugby game on the market beating them to it but they do have quite a few real life players and real life teams. Plus they allow you to edit all the players and teams so if you wanted you can change everything to match the real life teams. The community on the forums have been pretty good with this and posting up saved games with all the changes made for people on the forums. PC version has only been out a few days and already people are posting up new player strips for people to use.
The game has lots of different modes you can play from single games to a career mode, the career mode is a bit of a let down as its very basic and lacks a lot of complexity that the Fifa series of games has, but its not bad for a first go at all. You can also setup custom tournaments and many other things.
I only score this game a 7.5 because there are a few issues and it could have been a lot better but its still the best rugby game on the market and with the multiplayer side of things as well this will keep any Rugby union fan busy for a long time..