I love wrestling games and T&A. If you don't want this type of material in your game, move on. To everyone else read on.
Secondly, I love games that have T&A in them. Outlaw Golf, DoA:BV, and Kingdom Under Fire just to name a few. I say this because I want you, the reader, to understand where I am coming from. I did not put RRXX in my 360 and expect anything but a T&A softcore show. Well I was very shocked to find a really good wrestling game behind RR. It even plays very well! Remember RAW and RAW 2 on the xbox? It was a very poor game but people wanted to enjoy it. Well if RAW would have played this well it would have beaten the Smackdown series without breaking a sweat. I am not saying RRXX is the end all of wrestling games. I AM saying it plays like a dream and online is really fun.
The single player is good but no real story line hinders it a bit in my eyes. Multiplayer is wonderful and I would love to see some online leagues startup. Do I think it is for everyone? No. If you love T&A and Wrestling you could do alot worse. I want to see better wrestling games on the 360 personally. Supporting RRXX will go a long way to showing the big Microsoft that we want it on our 360.
Fun (How much fun am I having): Drool...
Graphics (As relates to how well they help or enhance the game): Beautiful
Sound (How well does the sound help the game): Very Good.
Longevity (How long is it and will I play it more than once. Including Multiplayer): 5 Months or So.
BS Curve (How much bad hype, comments, and reviews have I heard of or read and agree with): A little bit.
Gamer Target (Who this game is best suited for): Wrestling Fans, T&A lovers, GLOW Fans.
Similar games: Rumble Roses, Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball, and Outlaw Golf
Final Grade: A very good game for wrestling fans but it will not make you a fan unless you love T&A a great deal.