A game with characters with fake personalities, and slow game play won't do any good.

User Rating: 2 | Rumble Roses PS2
I rented this one to see how well it played out from other games that chose the "weird route" by trying to add different types of characters into the mixture. Rumble Rose is no acception because it is a game that plays exacally like those lousy WWE games even if you are not a fan of trashy wreslting or boring sports in general you will find something to hate in Rumble Rose wether its the characters, the music, or the gameplay none of it is at all impressive. Gameplay: The gameplay is extremelly slow, characters get up like slow moving snails and often you don't have to be close enough to perform a special move on a character which means if your on a turn bunkle and the other character performs the special move shes still going to grab you anyway, that problem is not all that bad but the gameplay itself is just horrible. Using weapons can leave you open for a cheap shot since the characters swing weapons like handicapped people who born with some sort of disability to fight properly. You'll make yourself vulnerable to an attack if you try to use a weapon because God everything will just feel slow even the characters personalities are slow and Im getting to that part next. The moves in the game are "sexually" and you can easily tell just by performing certain humuliation moves that causes other characters to spread anothers legs wide open making the camra view it from all kinds of angles. Its pretty much why the only reason the game received a mature rank.

Sound: Every character in the game have some sort of trashey cheesy anime line to say and I've always hated anime just as much as wrestling. Just because you try to throw "rock/pop" music into a game doesn't mean people will give a damn about it and Im beginning to think that Japan think they are all about "rock and pop" when you can easily tell they are the biggest fake posers on the earth. All characters will say somthing extremelly stupid after they win or confront another character in the game such as "Bring it on" Japan must have seen that homosexual film a few times before deciding to give a character that line and she uses it constantly. Then you have even worst lines than that which goes somthing like "your going down" well its not as worst as "bring it on" but everything the characters say is all sissy like ripped straight out of anime cartoon shows. You have all kinds of idiotic characters such as the fake wannabe punk brat named "Welsh" who think shes such a badass and her intro music is by far the worst music I've ever heard (who gives a damn about punk music? Well if your one of those posing anoyying teenagers who think having a negative attitude all the time makes you "interesting" then sure this character is probably going to be your favorite one." There is also a so called "teacher in the game" who constantly repeats herself "why are you out of class?" This is wrestling dumb lady not school, and even though the Outlaw golf series and such failed with its pathetic attempted at trying to be funny and give characters a "different personality" Rumbe Rose fails at it twice as hard for making all the characters repeat themselves over and over or use crazy lines from anime shows. There is a character in the game who says things like "great father, I won, great father I won" And your sitting there saying to yourself "shut the hell up with that all ready I heard you the first time are you stupid or just plain out slow ?? No wait your both.

Graphics: Rumble Rose has some good graphics though, similar to the Dead Or Alive Vollyball game The camra can be a problem because it zooms in far to close to the characters but you can still see all the freshed out details of every character and the breast look somewhat real in a 3D realistic sort of way. Nothing is bothersome about the graphics besides the crowd they somewhat look blocky but you find yourself not paying any attention to them. Closing comments: Even though some people are going to rate this game higher than what I am about to rate it I still don't think it deserves a good score. The game failed at allot of things, with extremelly slow aggravading gameplay, dumd crazy anime lines that get often repeated so many times, characters posing as certain lifestyles that they are not therefore giving them no real personalities what so ever like most games do with characters which means you have a school girl who dresses like a slutty weak punk girl from suicidegirls who tries her best to have attitude in many ways its just stupid, then you have characters who talk slower than they wrestle, of course all characters move at the same exact speed level, all the moves were taken right out of the WWE games but the worst part is they took all the worst moves, character intro's stink all with boring theme (good thing you can turn them off and the music too). Another problem I didn't mention was the rating of the game. It recieved a mature rating just like the Dead Or Alive Vollyball game, and there was nothing mature in neither games what so ever. Just because a character has large breast that bounce around or spread their legs wide open in scantly clad clothing doesn't mean the game is mature not by my standerds at least. The humiliation moves look somewhat "sexual" but its nothing worth being called "mature enough for an adult." When you can turn on the TV and find things exacally like it. The game is more suitable for the "T" rating instead. Mature ratings should go to games that stand for what they mean without holding back on anything. Forget what the parents or homosexual congress have to say, do like Capcom did with KILLER 7 "its your game and creation therefore go far beyond your imagination." If Rumble Rose was my game..oh yes let their be nudity without censorship then the humuliation moves would really get you off. LMAO!!!!