The graphics were good as well as the caves. But that doesn't totally make up a great game. Rent it first.

User Rating: 7.5 | Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon DS
As I started out playing the game I enjoyed it. The caves were neatly done and the monsters that I fought were cool. When I explored the town I thought that the layout of the scenes were nice and that the insides of the buildings couldn't have been done better on the DS. I liked the realistic look of the game.

Battling monsters were fairly easy depending upon which cave you're in. The many different caves and monsters that I ran into kept me occupied and from getting bored too quickly. Which was a good thing. I didn't like games that were like Rune Factory in the past, namely Harvest Moon DS, so I didn't think I'd be into this game. I wasn't exactly bored of this game but I also wasn't going around wishing that I could play it.

I missed the "real" animals aspect of the game and I wasn't in tune with the monsters that I did own. Meaning I couldn't pet, brush, or milk them with the touch screen, etc.

I liked planting seeds and harvesting crops the most. The graphics made the game seem alive and the music gave me a peaceful feeling while I was lying on my bed planting my Tomato seeds. Yes, planting seeds and harvesting the crops was, oddly enough, my favorite activity to do in the game.

The festivals were also nicely done. I enjoyed going to them and being able to talk to my "lover" and giving her a gift. In this particular game you must play as a boy but there is a game that has been released, Run Factory 2, in which you can play as a girl. It's a nice game. That's really all there is to it. The graphics are good as is the music.

I liked the many characters that inhabited the town. Every character had their own personality trait, or so it seemed. Maybe they were just all weird in their own way and that's what made them seem different.

The marriage requirements were easy, medium or hard depending on each girl. The one I married was hard to get so that added a challenge to the game, which in turn, gave more excitement.

The game was nicely made. But the "nice" part about the game doesn't keep you glued too long. That's why I don't play it anymore.

Not to mention the Wi-Fi was terrible! All I was able to do was trade items back and forth and write a message in a box on the touch screen, like in Pictochat. But even that wasn't an easy task becayse when I would write a message to the other player I would get disconnected. This problem occurred with everyone I linked with. And it happened to them as well.

Once again, I recommend that this game be rented first and then bought if the renter enjoyed it.