Rune Factory is an amazing Harvest Moon style RPG that in cludes a fighting story line.
User Rating: 10 | Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon DS
Rune Factory is a revoulutionary HM game that gives it a twist by adding battles, friendship levels, and ridable pets that can help or your farm. What makes the farming part of the game so great is that you can walk over your crops unlike harvest moon DS. This game never ends so you can spend hundreds of hours playing it . 5 stars amazing spectacular genious brilliant revolutionary if you buy a harvest moon game buy this one its only twenty dollars if you dont like harvest moon this will still be fun for you. i would rank this as the best game ever besides the sequal and persona 3 . i would buy this now and finish it be fore the sequl comes out , which features the same character cast 10 years later , and has 2 story modes, the first character and then his son. the girls in this game are like the dallop of cream on top of a pie. they give you lunch and etc. BUY THIS GAME NOW! The big twist in Rune Factory is the combat. There are nearby dungeons for the player to explore. Each dungeon is filled with monsters. Part of the story involves the main character's mysterious background and how it ties into the town's troubles.
A large part of the game involves management. Players have to decide how they're going to manage crops, leisure time, fighting time, and more. Beginners might find the slow pace and large task lists a bit daunting. Players with intermediate and advanced gaming experience will have an easier time with it. A lot of patience is required to succeed in this game.