Harvest Moon /RPG Evolved

User Rating: 9 | Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon DS
I have to say, I am a Harvest Moon fan, but I was starting to get bored with the series. Sure they added some new basic features, towns, etc but it was starting to feel like I was always playing the same game over and over. That changed with Rune Factory. I love this game.

I will start with the opening sequence. Sure it isn't part of playing and most everyone only watches this once or twice, but I have to say it is brilliant. The animation and sound are great, and it does probably the best job I have ever seen of telling you what the game is about. I also have to admit, I am a big anime fan, so that was also apart of the appeal for me.

In regards to the game, I thought it was great. I will start with Gamespots criticism of the stylus. Sure, there are games out there that make you use it more, and in more creative ways, but I do not see that as a weak point for this game. I consider the stylus on the DS to be a bonus feature that adds a new dynamic and possibility to game play, but I don't think of it as a necessity. I think some games force you to use it and it just makes the game more cumbersome and worse. I felt this game did a good job of adding it, but I never felt overwhelmed in its usage. A great game doesn't in most cases need a stylus at all, and this is one I think did just fine with its liberal use.

Since I have been rambling on, and a lot of other reviews are already out describing what I am going to say, I will try to keep the rest here short. I loved the fighting added to the game. It made this game have the value of 2 games in my opinion. I admit, the combat is a little difficult at first, but have patience, save before you go in dungeons, and have patience, and you will move along just fine, and it will get easier. Money harvesting for better gear is also recommended. The rest of the game is pretty standard Harvest Moon stuff. I like that farming is obviously there, but I appreciated it not really being too necessary as previous games felt. I like it as a part of the game, but not most of the game. I thought getting monster help with this to be quite fun too. As for the girls, and their side quest, I really liked it too, and felt it really had more of a storyline than other HM games. I really felt more immersed into the game instead of an onlooker making a game play.

Guess I have said enough at this point. Graphics I thought were great too. Not the best I have ever seen, but very nice. Maybe I appreciate the detail, since I am from the old school of Atari, NES, SNES, etc, and I find it amazing that a game like this on a portable system can blow those old slabs of concrete away.

Anyway, if you even like HM or RPGs in general even a little bit, I feel this is a safe purchase. The sequel will be out soon, so the price is pretty good at this point. I can't wait for the sequel to hit. A+++++