A fun, aharming game. It adds most of the fun from the HM series, and adds some of the fun from the Zlda series.
User Rating: 8 | Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon DS
It's a pretty good game, except that your kid doesn't grow up. The dungeon factor is interesting, but it feels a litle rushed. The town is quite small, but hard to find your way around at first. The pattern is, 3 levels, 3 houses/businesses on each side of the street on the first level (Toatle of 6), 2 on the 2nd (Toatle of 4), and 1 on the 3rd (Toatal of 2). Keep in mind that all of these buildings are unmarked, for the most part. Furthermore, it's a pain raising the monsters. It took the fun out of saving up and buying a cow, or something. It is fun having monsters, for farm work and such, but do you really want to milk a mad, monsterous cow? Everything cost a lot, and on the other side, it's too easy to make a LOT of money if you know what your doing. (planting 400 strawberies in Carmite cave.) On the plus side, you have a whole new host of girls to pick, that havn't been in the other games. In fact, you have a whole new town stocked with new people. It's refreshing, and it has a different feel since you play as a 3D person in a 2d world. The dungeons are difficult, yet small. Once you beat the game (all of the dungeons), and get married, it's game over. They took the fun out of it by keeping your child as a baby. You may wonder why I gave this game such aa high score, for what I'm saying about it. It's because it still has most of the fun (but not all) of a typical HM game, plus a little Zelda (but not THAT much). It's a very innovative game. I hope they make another one similar to it, but fix the bugs, and upgrade it. Overall, it's a good buy, but you might want to wait a few months until it gets cheaper. Yes, I know this review is all over the place, but I think I'm still asleep. I'd better sign out before I wake up and press alt + F4. Don't try it. I mean it.