A very different look at Harvest Moon indeed.
User Rating: 9 | Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon DS
Monsters, magic and marriage are a very interesting mix and noo ne other than Natsume could pull it off this well. It's up to you to decide whether you're going to brave the caves or simply stay at home and care for your crops. Personally, I chose to do both, capturing both monsters and the heart of my bride to be. Lame joking aside, Rune Factory can be either a treat for Harvest Moon fans or a total let down- it really depends on the gamer. What I liked best was the forge that comes with your house remodeling. Not only can you strengthen your tools, but you can equip yourself for some cave-crawling too. The two problems that kept me from giving this a ten is the fact that one of your marriage options is doomed to never notice you unless you give her some rare fish you can only find one month a year and the fact that, like all Harvest Moon games, you do eventually run out of things to do. For those of you who don't really relish the idea of fighting monsters, I suggest you first rent the game.