RuneScape was a waste of time but yet very addictive.

User Rating: 2.8 | RuneScape WEB
When I first played it, it was like the Lay's Potato Chips said, you can't have just one. What that meant to me was, you can't only play RuneScape one time. Well when I started playing, it wasn't all that bad until I learned of membership and its cost $5 a month. Then I started having different thoughts about it since for the, you could say better, features of the game, you had to pay. A game with terrible graphics but yet surprisingly good game play, you had to pay for? It's like buying the third Star Wars movie, a waste of time/money yet there was a lot of action in it.

RuneScape pretty much wasted about 2 years and a half of my life overall.

So anyway, let me break down RuneScape in this form:

Game play: I'd give it an overall 6/10. It was pretty good and loads of people don't give RuneScape the credit it deserves in that area of the game. Sure some of the features like waiting your turn in combat to hit the other fellow isn't fun but what about making you're own houses and the Easter and Christmas events?

Graphics: 0.5/10: Terrible. Street Fighter from the 80's has better graphics than this.

Sound: 4/10: Never really listened to it much but I suppose when I did, it was all right. It was your typical medieval RPG gaming music.