This game is possibly the worst MMORPG out there. Not only does it look bad, but plays at a very slow pace. While the quests are well thought of instead of making you do the same thing it is not enough to justify a membership. The graphics are horrible offering nothing but poorly designed environments. You can't even see character faces because they are a total mess. The sound is crap and the music even worse. You will probably end up turning it off like I did. Leveling up ends up feeling like a chore. High level characters don't have anything to do. You will probably only log on to chat with your newly made friends. Even after all this the game can become addictive. I would suggest trying it if you don't have anything better to play. You'll probably just end up wasting your time on a game that you won't enjoy.
The game's main problem is its pace. While the tutorial only takes like five minutes the game moves way to slow. Going from a town to another takes way to long. Now imaging a quest were you have to go to four or five different towns. It'll take you like thirty minutes when it shouldn't. It moves slow and you can't run all the time.
The membership is not worth it. Not even playing it. I am sure that playing it will be time wasted so just steer away from this game.
If you had ask me back in 2007 what I thought about RuneScape I would have said that it was fun but not as good as the competition, well now we're in the year 2012 and after deciding to play Runescape again, I am surpris... Read Full Review
I remember in the 5th grade my friend introduced me to RuneScape, before when it was still on Back then, there was one server, everyone played for free, you lost everything when you died, the bank held only m... Read Full Review