Why do people only judge the graphics?

User Rating: 7.8 | RuneScape WEB
The quests are cool.....maple story (another rpg we all more more than rs...sadly) Maple story's quests are too plain...you either kill or collect. The runescape universe is really vast, and the quests are actually interesting. There are actually MORE SKILLS. But, maybe too much. PKing is what we really want. Challenge a rival noob who is always bugging you to a showdown. The gameplay is great, but the music is too. Many selections (though old school style). Making money is not as fast as maple. Hacking in maple story is found frequently, but at least the community is not rude. NOW, ABOUT ALL OF YOU GRAPHICS JUDGERS, ITS THE BEST JAGEX CAN DO, CUZ ITS NOT A DOWNLOAD GAME!!!! ITS ACTUALLY FREE, AND MEMBERS FEE IS SO CHEAP SO DON'T JUDGE IT THAT WAY.