An excellent free online game with literally thousands of people playing, you'll never be alone in the game world.

User Rating: 8.9 | RuneScape WEB
Although if you pay you'll get a hell of a lot out of this game, even the free game has its good points, if you dont want to pay for games like World of Warcraft or Everquest then this game is great. Ive played it for over 5 years now and i still enjoy it. The main thing i cant say is just to give it a try, and dont be fooled by the graphics because they really aret that bad. If you think the game sucks after five minutes, give it a chance and finish the tutorial first, thats where the fun begins. The world you can explore is massive (ten minutes walk from end to end) and ther are many varied areas/dungeons. If you decide to become a member (which is very cheap) i pay £3 english so its about $5 i think. With a members account the game blows itself wide open with LOADS of new skills, over 5 times the area of the free players and many new weapons and armour. So just give it a try.