Okay, I know I said try it, but there's not much to be said. You have to pay to get good things. Sure theres lots of players, and I spent my fair share of time mostly chatting with friends. I cannot say that I loved this game with all my heart. But I cannot say I hated it either. "Mixed Reactions" means something here. I thought that the system was well layed out, the quests varied, the training wasn't always grinding, I loved how you can choose your music, it was fun blacksmithing and such, and the graphics weren't bad for browserbased and free. Okay, so I loved a lot of things but there were a lot of things not so great either. First off, you need to pay for all the benefits, the rune system is expensive and annoying, and you lose all your items if you die, which can get really annoying! I know there a few bad things but they're powerful though not in number. It was my first mmo and well, it is NOT a bad starter. It helps you get used to the idea of an mmo. Still, in the end many people quit (and usually go onto maple story which is better in the beginning but then becomes a lot worse than rune scape after a while.) All in all, it was a find agreeable game.
If you had ask me back in 2007 what I thought about RuneScape I would have said that it was fun but not as good as the competition, well now we're in the year 2012 and after deciding to play Runescape again, I am surpris... Read Full Review
I remember in the 5th grade my friend introduced me to RuneScape, before when it was still on jagex.com. Back then, there was one server, everyone played for free, you lost everything when you died, the bank held only m... Read Full Review