Runescape, JaGeX's MMORPG juggernaut, comes out swinging and doesn't give up quickly! A great game to play!
JaGeX has created many games over the years, from Arcanist's on fun-orb, to Mechscape, and the game I review. Runescape.
Runescape as a whole, is a odd game to describe. Much like WoW but at the same time, nothing like it. As you start off in F2P worlds, your tasked with beating Tutorial Island, a dull but useful step in your journey. Upon completing this step you enter then world of Runescape. Where penguins roam the land, and dragons roast in there roost. As you explore you find new areas, as well as new quests and skills to build.
Quest's in Runescape are, in my opinion, the best of any series. They never give you the task of "Kill 100 Goblins" but offer true storylines and often plenty of British Humor.
On a graphics' scale Runescape isn't the best, but considering that it is free, does not require a download, and works on most computers. This makes it the best of it's type. It cannot be compared to WoW. WoW is comparable to games such as Assassin's Creed and Oblivion, in which Wow fails.
With an assortment of skills and items, you never find yourself without something to do.
The game is updated almost weekly, so it's never the same as it was a month ago. Making it a great value for members.
If your after a game with great multiplayer, good storys, and endless things to do. Fire up your java console and start playing!