RuneScape - if you see this title, quick! Run, Escape!
It isn't.
RuneScape is a MMORG for those that don't know. It is also a MMOWG - a Massively Mind-Numbing Online Wannabe Game.
You spend all your time collectins coins usually by killing boring monsters or *ahem* 'completing' impossible quests. This is so that you can buy more stuff to do this boring activity in more style.
I don't say it's ABYSMAL because, frankly, I know there are some cheesey-headed people who actually believe there may be something enjoyable. Sure, it's ok if you don't have anything better to do.
One thing that could well make it better is the tutorial. If you forget the password to your old account, or your character dies with everything s/he owns in his/her possession, you can easily make a new one, perhaps with the new hair and features. However, you have to go through a long and near endless lecture session. They should have a skipping option for this.
This said, this game is still really really boring. I say it's hard because, not only is it hard to believe its still online, the missions are nigh impossible.