Bad graphics all you hear is ppl call eachother noob it gets annoying

User Rating: 1.5 | RuneScape WEB
This game has poor graphics, poor game play, hackers,scammers,and who else knows. The game has something called members its so anoying people beg for money and go all crazy if they see high lvls and start to kiss up to them and then use them for money and some people always stalk you or something and tell you a site to go to its just plain boring just dont play this game and im going to repeat it!This game has poor graphics, poor game play, hackers,scammers,and who else knows. The game has something called members its so anoying people beg for money and go all crazy if they see high lvls and start to kiss up to them and then use them for money and some people always stalk you or something and tell you a site to go to its just plain boring just dont play this game and im going to repeat it!