Great web based Rpg

User Rating: 8.5 | RuneScape WEB
Ive been playing this game since 2000. This is one of the best Rpg's ever made. At first glance alot of people will trash this game simply because they dont give it a fair chance. If you just play mmorpg's for graphics then you should just stop reading this review right now. This game has great graphics for being a java web based game. The gameplay is absolutly amazing, the game offers you so much, for so little in return. There is a free to play version that is like a whole game within its self and is decent. Though members is where this game really shines. Theres so much more to do and u will never be bored, and all just for 5 dollars a month.

Give this game a try, dont give up on it. Most players who give this game a bad rating is because they dont understand the game. They base their reviews on graphics, when if they actually gave this game a chance their reviews would be much higher. I myself Have reached combat level 126 the max level in the game, and im still playing daily because I have yet to accomplish alot in the game. The game just has so much depth ull be immeresed. You can train combat, magic, range, fishing, cooking, herblore, smithing, mining, crafting, construction(Player owned houses), farming, and many more. So next time ur feeling bored online, give runescape a go, and ull be glad u did.

For more information on how to play runescape or just getting started go to

My runescape name is 2avage.