RuneScape is a great game but some things could be better.

User Rating: 7.5 | RuneScape WEB
Graphics: the graphics aren't as good as they could be

Audio: there isn't much sound other then the music.Other then the music the only sound you get is your sword hitting an opponent and some other small sound effects.However the music is great and there are hundreds of differen't songs in the game.

Game play: there are lots of things to do like cast spells, train, chop trees etc.
But if you are walking somewhere to go and do something and you leave something in your bank and your not near a bank it's a pain to have to turn around and then go back.If you become a member you can use more weapons and armour, go to more places, store more stuff in the bank, build your own house and more.

RuneScape is a fun game and a membership only cost around $5 a month and that's pretty good considering all the extra features you get.