i used to play runescape non-stop but now i think it is a pile of rubbish im 13 now and i played it a couple of years back and it became more and more childish all the time i think a scooby doo RPG would be better than runecape quite frankly and i hate scooby doo im ashamed to say i ever played runescape and thats the truth runescape is a sorry exuse for an RPG and they have the nerve to charge you to play the exact same game with tiny little changes.
PS. i dont want and never will want a PS3 ....... so there!
If you had ask me back in 2007 what I thought about RuneScape I would have said that it was fun but not as good as the competition, well now we're in the year 2012 and after deciding to play Runescape again, I am surpris... Read Full Review
I remember in the 5th grade my friend introduced me to RuneScape, before when it was still on jagex.com. Back then, there was one server, everyone played for free, you lost everything when you died, the bank held only m... Read Full Review