The graphics are good for pc.The good thing is it free.The thing that stinks is that it`s cheep being a member.

User Rating: 9.2 | RuneScape WEB
I play this game alot but i`m a member,so i can get suff that u can`t get which is unfair for the people that aren`t members.The only thing is it is cheep being a meber 5$ a month.The stuiped things is member are able to level up quicker then nonmembers.I`m a member i was a level 34 before then when i came a member i levelto 50 less then two weeks.

The three things are mage sword dude or acher.the cheep thing is being a mage when u reach level 25 in a mage u can hit 10 and maybe higher to.the stuiped thing is buying runes.Never be a sword guy the hights hit i can hit is 8 aand i`m level 50.

The good thing is that atleast it is free for anothere people.Yep it is fun but cheep two so you who read my review try this game or become a member.