Fun at first...
The sound effects SUCK! There's only like two different noises in the whole game, and the music sounds like it's from a crappy fairy tale.
Graphics, ditto sound. Almost no animations at all.
Gameplay's pretty bad, but it's fun for a while. The combat is weak, and you feel like you’re not actually doing anything, but your character is. After about 5-10 hours, you'll hate this game.
The replay value isn't worth mentioning, for there is none.
The cycle goes like this:
1. Person #1 tells person #2 how awesome this game is.
2. Person #2, who is now obsessed with this game, tells person #3 about it.
3. Person #1, who is now sick of the game, tells person #2 that the game sucks.
4. Person #2, who is now obsessed with this game, tells person #3 about it.
5. Person #2, who is now sick of the game, tells person #3 that the game sucks.
6. The cycle continues…
Everyone will be forced into the cycle eventually, so get it over with now.
This game is really fun for a few hours, so play it until you're bored. Then move on. If you want a GOOD free online game, go more towards "Americas Army".