Fun at first...

User Rating: 2.2 | RuneScape WEB
If this game had better gameplay, better graphics, and better everything else it has (which isn't much), it might get a 3. No way! Especially because in order to get any good features, you have to pay $5 a month. Kind of a rip off, I get Xbox live for less than that. The game has many features, but they get old REEAALLLY fast. I made it to level 32, and by that time I was bored sick of this game. I thought it was awesome at first, but you then realize that there is no point to the game, no story, nothing. (Most of my friends think so, too.)

The sound effects SUCK! There's only like two different noises in the whole game, and the music sounds like it's from a crappy fairy tale.

Graphics, ditto sound. Almost no animations at all.

Gameplay's pretty bad, but it's fun for a while. The combat is weak, and you feel like you’re not actually doing anything, but your character is. After about 5-10 hours, you'll hate this game.

The replay value isn't worth mentioning, for there is none.

The cycle goes like this:
1. Person #1 tells person #2 how awesome this game is.
2. Person #2, who is now obsessed with this game, tells person #3 about it.
3. Person #1, who is now sick of the game, tells person #2 that the game sucks.
4. Person #2, who is now obsessed with this game, tells person #3 about it.
5. Person #2, who is now sick of the game, tells person #3 that the game sucks.
6. The cycle continues…

Everyone will be forced into the cycle eventually, so get it over with now.

This game is really fun for a few hours, so play it until you're bored. Then move on. If you want a GOOD free online game, go more towards "Americas Army".