Ever been called a "noob"? Expect to see it almost constantly in Runescape...

User Rating: 5 | RuneScape WEB
Runescape, it works as a free RPG for the youngsters, or the really bored (semi-poor) RPG interests. However, the playerbase can completely destroy any pleasure that Runescape manages to create; mainly because its full of abusing children. If you've never been called a 'noob' before, prepare to see it being called at an almost constant, spamming pace. Any conversations on Runescape consist of "Want to be my girlfriend/boyfriend?" and, "you suck n00b!!!!".

This discraceful playerbase tears the attention from the game constantly, since almost every server is cram-packed full of these immature children - though there is some escape.... enter the "Ignore Public Chat" button. This nifty little button will 'deafen' you to anything these children have to say, whether it be a pass at your characters (barely discernable) gender, or yelling out how you 'suck' because your new character isn't wearing the best armor and weilding the best weapon in the game.

Getting to the more important part....

Runescape itself is a pretty in-depth game, and I was impressed with how much freedom you have - able to become a master of many trades (all pretty much based around weapons or armor), you can become a blacksmith for example, by mining specific types of ore, combining them and creating such metals as Iron, Tin etc. However, once again the playerbase makes this nearly impossible, since mining rocks is something anybody can do, and EVERYBODY will be doing. Unfortunately, just because you mine a rock doesn't mean you will get the ore from it first. Your skill in mining - compared with the quality of the pick you are using determine how long it takes you to get the ore off the rock, and if you are relatively new, everyone else will turn from their current rock just to snach yours and yell a little word... a hint - it starts with the letter "N" and ends with the letter of "B".

All over the game these immature children undermine the overrall feeling of Runescape, and unless you are seriously tolerant and don't mind having the public chat off permanently, there isn't anything for you in Runescape - sadly enough.