Runescape is a good MMORPG, that with work could rival commerical MMORPG's such as World of Warcraft or Everquest.

User Rating: 7.1 | RuneScape WEB
Runescape is a popular MMORPG that is made by Jagex, a small British company headed by Andrew Gower. Runescape (or RS for short) could have been a classic-showing that the "bedroom programmers" where not dead, but instead Runescape just got overrun by young children, macroers, account stealers, and other types of scum.

Runescape turns most people off before they even start, so it is common to see reviews in the index stating "I quit before I left the tutorial" or "OMG these game's graphics SUCK LOL." But, if you give some time, you will find there is a great game under the crap graphics.

Runescape's gameplay is simmilar to that of all other MMORPG's. You are a guy who has to level skills in the world of Runescape. Levelling skills, mini games, quests, combat and player killing (pking) are main gameplay parts of Runescape. Skill levelling in Runescape is simple. You do the skill (fishing, you fish, cooking, you cook, range (archery) you use a bow) and while doing that you get experence (xp.) Like other MMORPG's having high skills will allow you to be better in Runescape, because these skils allow you to produce items, and these items can be sold, and the gold made can be used to buy further skill items\weapons or armor, or used in combat. But, once you get to higher skill levels, it can take ages to raise levles. For example, 1-20 is shorter then 55-56. This can make it hard to raise skils at higher levels, and makes raising levels grinding, and can lead to addiction. A reward for having 99 (the highest skill level) in a skill is a cape, that shows off your status.

Mini games in Runescape are a fun diversion from the grind of levelling skils, and are fun (like games should be.) Mini games include duelling, castle wars (a capture the flag style of game,) and a fishing trawler. The only bad thing about the mini games are the amount of higher levelled people acting like they own the place. Also, you need high levels to be good at these mini games.

Quests in Runescape are a diversion, and they help you at the game. Quests range from helping a cook, to slaying a dragon, to helping (or killing) pirates. Quests are fun, but sometimes, long quests can just get boring. Completing quests can gain recognion in the community (you can get a cape that you can only get by completing all quests) and extra experence in skills.

Combat, like in other MMORPG's\single player RPG's is a main part of Runescape. You can be a warrior, a mage, a monk, or a ranger. Combat is levelled like regular skills, but gains in combat skills increase your "combat level," an indercator of how strong you are, and how long you have been playing the game. Gains in combat skills help you in the Wilderness, a player versus player zone. In the Wilderness, clan wars are common. Clans are a common part of Runescape, and nothing beats player killing with friends.

The community of Runescape is terrible. Atually, worse then that, abmissal. Like other MMORPG's, Runescape's community is filled with the 8-12 year old demographic (not sterotyping, many of my friends are 12, but I know many other 12 year olds in game that act like total retards in game.)
The biggest problem with the Runescape community is the amount of people hazing (giving a hard time) new players. Most other online communities don't have a problem with "newbies," but in Runescape, as a newbie, you get called a "noob," and even asking a easy question "Which way to the general store?" will be met with "OMG STUPID N00B FIND OUT YOURSELF LOLOLOLOLOL." Don't get me wrong, there are people who go out of their way to help you, but the majority of people (especially on free servers) will just ignore the noob.

The other bad part of the Runescape community is the macroers (macro=a programme which plays the game for you, making high levels easy.) Macros are despised by the "living" segment of the Runescape community. There are also the beggers and scammers. I know this is not Jagex's falt, but Runescape would have got a perfect 10 in gameplay if it was not for the terrible community. I know several people who never use public chat due to the terrible community.

The game's graphics are what turn most people off. To be fair, they are worse then that of an Nintendo 64, and then some. The enviroments are fine, but its the game's characters look like something out of Superman 64. But, dont let the crummy graphics degrade the only completly free MMORPG experence.

The sound is also bad. The sound sounds like something out of an SNES, and they take away from the game. There are lots of music tracks, but personally, I would rather a few great ones, then a crapload of terrible ones.

In-game communication needs work. Lots of it. You can chat with everybody on the screen (public chat) or your friends (private chat.) Private chat is fine, but public chat needs lots of work. It can get flooded by people trading, people chatting, and clans. Normally, you will not know the difference, but in main trading zones, the window can get flooded. You can also trade in game.

The value is quite good. With the free game, you have got 10 hours (unless you are playing another MMORPG) and if you pay, you have got 100+. Membership is 5 dollars US a month, and you get mini games, extra skills, weekly updates, more quests etc.

In short, Runescape could have been one of the best MMORPG's, but it got stuck with the pack. It is at the front of this pack, but it cannot compare to World of Warcraft or Everquest. But, the ability to play Runescape anywere with a internet connection cannot be matched. Runescape will also work on basically any computer.