Runescape is horrible and you shoulden't play it!

User Rating: 2.5 | RuneScape WEB
Personally I think runescape is a horrible game. Not for anything bad but for horrible graphics and gameplay. The graphics are horrible and there are a lot of loading screens. The gameplay is even worse because you just press a button and sit there for ever waitiomg for what you clicked on. Like clicking on a tree to woodcut on a rock for mining. They take for ever and you sit there wasting your time.

If you want to play something but don't have much money don't do runescape. You may think it is fun at first but it gets so boring after a while. If you are going to play something play either Guild Wars or World of Warcraft. I like both but am currently playing Guild Wars. I prefer Guild wars because it has better graphics and there is no monthly fee. It is a good game and I definetly recommend it. But runescape is horrible so don't even try it because you don't want to get sucked into it's game.