This is one of the best free online games on the dumbist website (

User Rating: 8.8 | RuneScape WEB
This is also the best way to meet girls 2! i just broke up with me girlfriend, and theres a girl that wanted me to brake up with my gf just to get me as a boyfriend! shes on my ignore list! but 1 time, i probly will put her on my friend list. even if my girlfriend is stll on my friend list!

inny way, its probly the best online game you can get for free.

you can have a friend list, and a ignore list, if you put sombody on your friend list you can send then a privet message. and the ignore list where you dont want that person to talk to you.

the thing that stinks is the bleeping, if you try to say the f word they bleep it out!

but ill give you more info if you go to, my name is ilikegirls05!