Dont bother its fun for a while but when ur done... Ur gonna feel so stupide for even attempting to play it.... makes me mad how much of my life i wasted... even when you start ur going to look at my review and say "he's stupide, he doesnt know what hes talking about..." but later ur gonna say why didnt i listen to him...why.... I wish i listened to a review like this when i was starting but i was stupide...if u want a game like runescape play WoW at least youll be using ur time to at least see something worth while...
If you had ask me back in 2007 what I thought about RuneScape I would have said that it was fun but not as good as the competition, well now we're in the year 2012 and after deciding to play Runescape again, I am surpris... Read Full Review
I remember in the 5th grade my friend introduced me to RuneScape, before when it was still on Back then, there was one server, everyone played for free, you lost everything when you died, the bank held only m... Read Full Review