It's not so much fun but addicting, some fun elements but mostly trying to level up.

User Rating: 7.5 | RuneScape WEB
Yeah I admit I was addicted to this game. It's not thaty bad of a game, I guess. It's really addicting, hard to explain you just gotta play. They also make it cheap so you dont feel bad paying for it. The game is an online medival theme world with kings, knights, tyrants, elves, dwarves, the lot of it. You can embark on many quests, some of which have interesting storylines, however getting the required items to perform most the quests makes questing dumb. They have an amazing game called Castle Wars, it's capture the flag except you kill people intead of tagging them. It's really something you gotta play, however the reward is lame. Leveling up gets annoying at times, people try and shoot to get to 99 in a skill but doing so is tedious and annoying, and unless your crazy addicted you not gonna do it because it takes so much freakin time. The reward for it is cool, I think, but the work isn't work it. Runescape basically is a game with lots of good ideas that dont go together very well. It's still a descent game though, so I give it an honest 7.5