Why is it that this game is so bad, but so addicting?!?

User Rating: 5.5 | RuneScape WEB
This game is a fun game, but with a lot of flaws. Maybe if all of the bad things were worked out, then it would be an alright game. I dont see that happening anytime soon but who knows? They have already re-did it twice and maybe they'll actually work on the graphics the 4th time around...

Gameplay-8.5: This is one of the most addicting games i have ever played. There are many quests and there is always something to do. To become a "member" (it allows you to do many more things) cost 5$ a month. I am not a member and dont plan on becoming one.

Graphics-2: The worst graphics I have ever seen. If they were at least decent, then this would be a fairly good game.

Sound-5: The same music gets very old, very fast.

Value-7: It is free unless you are a member for 5$ a month. Either way, you are wasting your time rather than money.

Final Score- 5.6