Runescape...hmmm, Runescape, is a good game, i have to say. I started playing this game about 5 years ago... Graffics!
User Rating: 8.5 | RuneScape WEB
I started playing Runescape or RS as many refer to it about 5 years ago. I havent played 5 years straight but i have to say the game is good. Of course the graffic are bad since it runs on java but the game concept is so amazing. The skills to level the combat leveling. The cbt in the game is the typical last-gen combat for mmo's but its not the point u dont fight caus eits cool u do it because u want to level urself up. The game becomes extremely addicting because ur constantly working on leveling ur skills up. The basics of the games are cool, and u start working for money to buy cool armour and the game is just really awesome.
I give it an 8.5 though because although the concept is good the graffics are terrible. If Jagex decideds to make a 3 version of the games they need to make it downloadable so that the graffics are better and dont run off of java.
I put a hard difficulty because im saying had in terms of beating it, it takes years to get ur skills high and years to reach the highest lvl.