It's a decent game that most people don't get.

User Rating: 7.5 | RuneScape WEB
Runescape is one of he most flamed games on the Internet, but why?

Well, i've played Runescape for a few years now, and I don't plan on stoping too soon. I find the game is fun and easy to learn.

Gernaral Look:
The game gives you a big world to run around in and do a lot of different things, you can fish, mine, cut trees, or fight random monsters throughout the game. There are also more the 100 quests in the game that, when completed, usually lend you XP towards your skills, alows excess to new areas, gives you a new item, or many other things. If you're not into questing, then don't. If you want, you can just log in to talk to people, at any given time, there's over 100,000 people play in the 100+ worlds they provide.

There are 100+ worlds, which are really just main Servers around he world, all the worlds are the exact same, but there are different people playing in each world. Also, now that Runescape has been around for a while, certain worlds have their own special thing that goes on in them, in other words, one world is disignated as Castle Wars, if you to Castle Wars in this world, there are A LOT of people there. Of course, you're not required to do what the world is disignated for, you can go do somthing else in the Castle Wars world, like go do quests, or go to the Games Room to play board games.

It's VERY easy to figure the game out, they even provide a tutorial. Walking is easy enough, you just move your cursor where you want to walk, and click, it's that easy. When you click on certain objects, you can do other things with them, for example, you click on a trout, and it becomes highlighted and is now in the setting "use with-..." this now alows you to click on another object, and use it with that object, if it's a correct match, something will happen, like if you use it on a fire, you'll cook it.

Talking is very easy to, just type in what you want to say, and click enter, you can also change what your text looks like, but i wont get into that.

In order to use certain objects in the game, you must first level up your skills. This includes raising your mining so you can mine different rocks, and raise your fishing so you can catch better fish. Level is preaty easy, but after a while, it can get a bit tiresome and boring, so don't work on getting that level 99 (highest level you can get in one skill) too hard, it will take a while to get.

There are times when other people in the game are complete noobs, but overall, you don't meet very many of them. Don't become one either, if you see a lower level, don't make fun of them...just remember, you used to be low level too. With all the new updates, people don't worry about scammers or hackers anymore, so that's been cleaned up preaty good.

Bad points:
The Graphics ain't to great (get over it)
Leveling can get VERY boring
Some people are complete noobs
Quite a few glitches happen
most people need to at leaste try this game a little while, before they say it sucks...