Runescape is a traumatic experienced. We've all played it, we've all quit, and we all don't talk about it again.
I didn't realize that Runescape was the reagent, my room my lab, and I was the chemist; the product? The most horrific gaming experience ever... Even now, it's painful to talk about.
The first of Runescape's many transgressions is its skill leveling design. To level any ability, takes not only tremendous time and effort, but also a certainly level mental retardation. You must repeat the same task, over and over, day in and day out, to level a single ability to 99. It takes more than 6 months, 40 days /played time, running rune essence back and forth to the nature alter to level runecrafting. Repeating the same task, for four hours, every day, for six months. Back and forth. At the end, you'll be broken, you friends will wonder why you're so distant. You'll be cold and catatonic. Your doctors will describe you as "dead as dead can be." And then, you'll realize you have 20+ more abilities to level up. At this realization you'll eyes will widen and lose focus, and can never be undone.
The second of Runescape's many transgressions is its questing. Jagex, the designers of Runescape, seem to expect players - after they're broken from leveling, terrified and stunned like a rape victim - to complete quests. These quests are poorly designed and tell little story. During these quests, you'll character will be forced to commit immoral acts ranging from: murder, theft, heresy, and even being forced to get a sex change from a wizard to seduce a guard.
The third, but certainly not final, of Runescape's many transgressions is its world design. Runescape is burdened by to many "add-ons". The world doesn't feel cohesive, it feels like many small worlds meshed together with glue, stuck on a poster board, brought to school, and then you're raped repeatedly by your teacher. It's like what happens to most software, eventually. They add to many features, and eventually it's broken.
Well, that's the end to my cautionary tale. That's my story; I sit broken, in that same room, willing to tell this tale to anyone who'll listen. Because of Runescape, I am forever withdrawn, my dark eyes turned inward, brooding, as if witnessing a sea of suffering I alone could see.