If you just get your self through the boring tutorial you might have a good time playing RuneScape!

User Rating: 6.6 | RuneScape WEB
RuneScape is a java game, so the graphics are infact pretty good if you think about it.
RuneScape might be fun if you have some good quests to do. The only things that actually is fun in this game is exploring (if you are a member) or doing quests. Training your skills (that doesn't have fighting in them) is boring. You would like to do something else while doing that. One thing you can't do is to compare RS to a game such as WoW, guild wars or something like that, because then it seems like, well, crap. If you already play WoW or something like that don't start playing RS, because then you will probably just sit and compare all the time.
RuneScape is basicly a mmorpg, where you go around train your skills and do some quests. To think it is a game you can just start playing without downloading ANYTHING at all on the internet, you really shouldn't complain on the grapics.

Overall RuneScape is not for everyone. More for those who has a lot of time on theyre hand, and don't really have anything to do.

The free to play version is basically a trial where you have some of the skills available. The trial version is actually pretty big, plus it doesn't expire!
In the pay version there is tons of more content and almost a totally differen't game. If you were one those who quit playing RuneScape before the "good" updates came, such as small cutscenes in some of the quests, area sounds and monster graphic update. You should try RuneScape now...it is better.