Jagex's Runescape is an RPG which tries hard at being as good as it possibly can. However, the game has no real depth.

User Rating: 4.2 | RuneScape WEB
Jagex's Runescape is an RPG which tries hard at being as good as it possibly can. However, overall, the game features any real depth, which makes it dull and uninteresting.

A good Tutorial is really something that every game should have at the very beginning, which this does have. This is where you begin, Tutorial Island. Going through the rather long Tutorials you begin to think "Hurry up already I wanna get onto the actual game". However, the Tutorials do teach you things that are going to help you later on, but unfortunately, what you probably won't know while going through Tutorial Island, is that the game won't actually get much better than what you are already playing.

Coming from someone who is a very low level on this game you're probably thinking, "This guy has no idea", but, I've played this for long enough to know what I'm talking about here. But you're entitled to your own opinion.

The Gameplay isn't the most intriguing for an RPG but it's not abysmal. The inability to use your Keyboard to control your Player makes it hard and slightly irritating having to use a 'Point-and-Click' system to guide your Character around the areas. Where the action is concerned, fighting doesn't have it's good points either, where you select the type of attack on your opponent and then have to just sit there as your Character chops away. Unfortunately, Gameplay lacks any real depth.

Graphics, as soon as you get going, you'll notice aren't good. In any type of game, the gameplay is by far the most important aspect of the game. However, Graphics give the game a boost, but unfortunately, these kind of graphics do not. I will accept that this is a Java game but it's a shame that the graphics can't give any real light on the game.

The sound and music is actually quite good, and well-composed. The tune that plays when you start the game is quite good and gets to grow on you over time. Any downside? Unfortunately. The Sounds and Music are MIDI files which make them sound like a cheesy ringtone. It's a shame.

If the free features aren't enough for you then you can always upgrade to members, which gives you extra features. I myself haven't tried the members features but some people I know have. I've heard that member's features costs around £5 maximum. I think to be honest it's a waste of money but if you like the game and are really into it, go for it, I'm sure if you spend enough time on this game already you won't mind upgrading.

Overall, I think the game is a shambles and should be avoided. It can be good for a few hours/days/weeks, but unfortunately it only seems that I have to say that if you want something to talk about hanging around or at school or something, then play on Runescape. It's OK if you haven't really got any Consoles to play better RPGs on, or if you are looking for a free Internet game which you can upgrade later on. But if you do have a Console, stick to it and with it, because unless you're without one, I recommend you to avoid this game at all costs and try some of the better RPGs out there.