The free play sucks, the members play is nice but...

User Rating: 7.5 | RuneScape WEB
When you first play runescape you will be amazed by the nice world, the exiting gameplay and the fast leveling (in the beginning) but when you grow stronger and level more and more and more you will have to spend like a day for 1 damn level. Because all skills can go to 99 and you need to train like 3 days(72 hours) to get from lvl 98 to 99 you will spend a lot of time on this game, is that bad? No its not bad but it's annoying. Still the game has lots to offer and can be really entertaining if you put yourself over the bad graphics. Still it feels like something is missing, co-op team play thats what really lacks here. And the multiplayer sucks but hey it's free right? Also the free piece of the game is quite small and only members have the good skills, lvl faster and have all the fun items and they hold it like a carrot on a stick for your nose. You WILL get bored with this, mark my words. If you never played an MMO you can try this... But there are better MMORPG's out there (like Guild Wars)