Runescape is a low-down piece of **** game and a disgrace to online gaming. The gameplay is terrible, the lagging and the limits to what you have. A kindergardener's drawings are 2x better than the graphics in Runescape. Comparison to stick figures with colors and hair, the Runescape citizens and player sucks. The language reminds you of a medieval geek convention. I mean "noob" "rune" and "ess" are words used by geeks. Do me and all the people who hate Runescape a favor...stay away from the website and do something more enthusiastic like trimming your toenails. This game is a rip-off to members only accessing to more tutty-fruity items and weapon and quests that are just a walk around the park to me. And for all of those idiots thinking that runescape is a great game, I have played runescape for 1 year and I'm still not satisfied with this crap! I am totally disgusted to this MMORPG rip-off! and for those people who do like runescape, go get yourself a better game like Maplestory or World of Warcraft, then you'll see how Runescape is a hunk of crap!!!
If you had ask me back in 2007 what I thought about RuneScape I would have said that it was fun but not as good as the competition, well now we're in the year 2012 and after deciding to play Runescape again, I am surpris... Read Full Review
I remember in the 5th grade my friend introduced me to RuneScape, before when it was still on Back then, there was one server, everyone played for free, you lost everything when you died, the bank held only m... Read Full Review