One word...Terrible!

User Rating: 1 | RuneScape WEB
Runescape is a low-down piece of **** game and a disgrace to online gaming. The gameplay is terrible, the lagging and the limits to what you have. A kindergardener's drawings are 2x better than the graphics in Runescape. Comparison to stick figures with colors and hair, the Runescape citizens and player sucks. The language reminds you of a medieval geek convention. I mean "noob" "rune" and "ess" are words used by geeks. Do me and all the people who hate Runescape a favor...stay away from the website and do something more enthusiastic like trimming your toenails. This game is a rip-off to members only accessing to more tutty-fruity items and weapon and quests that are just a walk around the park to me. And for all of those idiots thinking that runescape is a great game, I have played runescape for 1 year and I'm still not satisfied with this crap! I am totally disgusted to this MMORPG rip-off! and for those people who do like runescape, go get yourself a better game like Maplestory or World of Warcraft, then you'll see how Runescape is a hunk of crap!!!