Best online game ever!
-----The Good-----
[+] Players are not fixed to a certain combat style (melee/range/magic)
[+] Character Customization makes everyone totally unique
[+] Players are not limited to fighting unlike most MMORPG game
[+] Plenty of Skills to train
[+] Armour Combinations are endless
[+] Large communities
[+] Lots of active players
[+] 170+ Servers
[+] Activity-based Servers (eg. PVP, Trade + other various mini-games)
[+] Free (unless pay to be member)
[+] Large area to be explore (F2P players may feel they are very limited to the area they can access)
[+] Grand Exchange make selling common items easily and faster
[+] GOOD Graphics for a JAVA web game
[+] Players are not fixed to a storyline, they can set their own goals and objectives
[+] Quests to be done to further unlock skills, access to certain weapons/armour and/or area, receive extra exp + rewards
[+] "Offensive" words are filtered
[+] Safe Subscription Methods
[+] Good Account Management System
[+] Lot of updates
[+] Holiday Events
[+] Some valuable drops can't be seen by other players
[+] Only need a mouse to actually play
[+] Very low computer-spec required BUT lag can still occur also depending on internet speed
[+] Fan-sites and Spoiler Guide help players to know their items and quests
-----The Bad-----
[-] F2P players are very limited to almost every aspect of the game
[-] F2P players are unable to change their "display name" [-] Ex-member items are useless in F2P world
[-] Player take the forum too serious (You don't have to write a 20-page essay to complain, Jagex won't be able to read it)
[-] 5$ a month is expensive
[-] Bots + Auto-typer spoil the game (not surprising, most MMORPG still have this problem as well) [-] "Merching" clans can disrupt some item pricing
[-] Harsh greeting by other players to new-comers ("noob")
[-] "F2P and P2P feel like a different game"
[-] No shortcut key to help in combat
-----The Good but The Bad-----
[=] Trade Limit (good): eliminated most Real World Trading (good): stop player from over-pricing their items in trade (good): stop people begging for money (bad): giving money/items to a friend is harder now
-----My Runescape Background-----
- Character Name: LuLa A*****
- Level: 100+ Att 75 Str 80+ Def 75 Hp 80+
- Money-Making Skill Level: (accurate as of today) Fishing: 80 Mining: 72 Woodcutting: 70
- Primary Money-Making Method: Fishing
- Secondary Money-Making Method: "Merching" (big low, sell high)
- Status: P2P
- Main Combat Gear: [head] Dragon Full Helm [body] Dragon Plate Body [leg] Dragon Plate Legs [feet] Dragon Boots [weapon] Saradomin Sword (2H) [shield] - [cape] Obsidian Cape [amulet] Amulet of Fury [ring] Berserker Ring [gloves] Regen Bracelet