Be the armchair general you always wanted to be....On a console nonetheless.
This is where the meat and potatoes are at. You can choose from over 5 nations along with any year over the course of the war (1939-1945). There is also the option to play the war starting in 1939 and acquiring new units as the years progress to 1945. Then there is the dl content on line ps3 or xbox360. Here you can dl the nation of Japan along with multiplayer maps and that comes along with more co-op multiplayer maps....I mean this game has it all. If you enjoy being the attacker than choose the Ai to play as turtle (defensive type), or maybe you want him to blitz immediately so as to test your skills, well you can. Over 7 different AI generals to choose from. This is simply the best rts game on a console...UBI soft has found something big if they advertise correctly. As far as 7.5 review....that is harsh. This game is unbelievable especially if you enjoy units fighting in a grand display. Stukas coming in a dive bombing infantry and while paratroopers gain strong holds ....I mean really great. I give it a 10. Also, please shut the music off in any game you me the immersive feel comes from the sounds of the game not want music watch a movie. Ambience is great.