This game is a port of the arcade game, but adds top down and Rpg elements. Not a bad game, but hard to figure out.

User Rating: 6.5 | Argos no Senshi: Hachamecha Daishingeki NES
Rygar for the Nintendo Entertainment System is an arcade port. And not to bad of one either. The game-play is fun, the musics great, the graphics are pretty great, and the controls are responsive. The main issue with this game however, is lack of direction, this game never gives you good advice.

The Good
- Good graphics, with separated backgrounds and somewhat detailed characters
- Awesome soundtrack
- Decent, fluid controls
- Can be fun to adventure
- Lots to explore
- Rpg elements are a good addition
- The top down sections add to the game

The Bad
- Absolutely no direction, and no help. your completely on your own
- Can be very frustrating and confusing
- The game is either very easy, or very difficult, there's no middle ground.
- The game slows down when there's to many enemies very often
- Game is a bit buggy

Graphics --- 7.5/10
The graphics are quite nice for the time. Rygar is decently detailed, and he has somewhat fluid animation. All of the enemies are decently detailed as well. The backgrounds are nice and colorful, and use layering, to see a red sun, setting in the distance, just behind the mountains, but poking out between the peaks. It looks quite nice.

Music --- 9/10
This game has an absolutely kick a$$ soundtrack. There are a lot of catchy songs, and it gets you in the perfect mood. The songs also reflect the areas your in very well.

Sound Effects --- 5/10
The sound effects lack a bit, because there aren't a lot of them. But the sound effects that are there, are decent, but nothing special

Gameplay --- 6.5/10
The game-play is pretty fun, but the lack of direction can cause you to run in a lot of circles, and can get frustrating. But leveling up is fun, and fighting enemies and adventuring is fun as well.

This game is split into 2 halves. The side scrolling perception, and the top down perception (somewhat like overworld's). Both types are good, but i personally prefer the side-scrolling sections. There are upgrades you obtain during your adventure as well, such as a grappling hook, a bow/arrow, and more.

This is a Pretty decent Nes game, but the lack of direction definitely hurts the games overall score. I personally really enjoy this game, and I know a lot of other people who do as well. It's a fun Nes game, and if you have a walk through to know how to get through, know from experience, or your just looking for a good classic adventuring game, this is the game for you. But I warn you, there are no helpful hints, your completely on your own in this game. Which can actually be a good thing. This is a very cheap Nes game, so I would definitely check it out, its worth the time to play if you like adventure games.
