TECMO you destroyed the name of RYGAR
you just changed the name and the Rygar's color to gain money from that release, what a lazy company.
I don't play the game in Wii, but what is the difference, when it's the same as the PS2, they just changed the main character chape and the title as I said.
so why am I writing that, because when any company has a nice series game, they just foucs on that game to be better like Castlvaina, Final Fantasy, MGS, devil may cry, GOW and RE. all that series their own developers care about their games, but TECMO says "we need more money so let's re-release the old games again".
Rygar game can be as famous as GOW, or more like FF.
Sony steal all the idea from Rygar to make GOW but they made a real legendary game, not The ****** adventure.
I am angry because Tecmo doesn't care about the game and doesn't trying to develop it.
next time re-release the NES game, it will be better.