Oh boy, I'm glad I accidentally discovered this game. Now I must smash something.

User Rating: 8.1 | Argus no Senshi PS2
"Rygar for PS2?" Yes, it exists, in case you don't know yet, and it's a lot better than most of the games you'll actually hear about. Gameplay The gameplay is a good balance of exploration, combat, and platforming. There is also a pretty deep combo system in the game, which allows you to to attack your enemies in a lot of effective and interesting ways. (The unique nature of the Diskarmor has a lot to do with it, too.) The problem with the gameplay is that there isn't a good variety of regular enemies, but that's notthing that can't be easily fixed in a sequel (there's gonna be one, right?). The game is also kind of short. I hope the next game would be more like Metroid Prime in the variety of enemies and length department. Despite that, combat is still fun, even if killing the same few enemy types can get repetitive. The boss fights are great, though. This game can be a a challenge, especially on the higher difficulty levels. Some people complain about the camera in this game, but I think it's just fine. Another thing worth mentioning is that you can smash half of the stuff you see, which is neat. Graphics Beautiful. The environments in this game are vividly colored, and the architecture is just amazing. Even if you don't like the gameplay in this game, you should probably stomach it just to see these environments. The graphics are that good. Characters are well-modeled, well-textured, and well-animated, fitting into the spectacular backgrounds this game offers. Sound The music is great, although a little over-the-top sometimes. The voice acting is funny in this game, but I wasn't expecting this game to excel in that area anyway. The sound effects are good. Value It's short, but the boss fights, gorgeous levels, and challenge of the higher difficulty levels are fun enough to merit playing this game more than once. There are also some unlockables, including a mode that lets you skip to whatever level you want, which is fun. Tilt This game is unique and enjoyable even if it's not perfect, and Rygar is a pretty cool guy.