I would not call Rygar a Legendary adventure, more like a very short but great action game.
User Rating: 8 | Argus no Senshi PS2
Rygar : The Legendary Adventure is the latest installment in the Rygar game series which started on the original NES and has been brought back to life on the Playstation 2. Rygar’s story starts you as Rygar who is about to be knighted by Princess Harmonia for his countless heroics , when you are randomly attacked by forces of evil as they pretty much kick Rygar’s ass and kidnap the princess. This is usually the part where I tell you “Fear not for this is much more than a save the princess from evil story “ ....... but it isn’t. Rygar attempts to have a deep and worthwhile story with all the artifacts you find during the game that talk about random Greek Mythology . You soon find out it fails miserably, when you realize those artifacts don’t really have anything to do with the story of the game and are pretty pointless all together . You can pretty much think of Rygar Legendary Adventure as a Greek Onimusha : Warlords in just about everyway . In Rygar your weapon is “Diskarmor” which is basically like a sharp shield on a chain (kinda like a killer yoyo) which Rygar trusts at his enemies to chop , sever , and decapitate them. Rygar gets three different Diskarmors which all have different speeds , attacks , stats , and uses . You’ll find that each DiskArmor has its own attack range , attack strength , and attack width much like the three element swords in Onimusha . One really great thing about Rygar is that each Diskarmor actually has the ability to summon huge behemoths to help to you in your quest . When you summon you’ll go into about a 5 second cut scene in which your Summon will come down and attack , these are much like the three sword magic attacks in Onimusha . Like in Onimusha you can upgrade your weapons to increase stats , and also like in Onimusha when you level up a weapon you magic (summon in this case) power will increase and it will look better . Unlike in Onimusha in Rygar you can equip magic stones to your Diskarmors to give your Diskarmors stat increases or to give Rygar new abilities such as dashing . The basic combat is simple like in most “Hack and Slash” action games , mash the buttons until your enemies are dead which pretty much describes Rygar’s regular enemy battles. You’ll not only find button mashing fighting in this game but you’ll actually find some pretty good dungeons too , they’re no where close to the level of Zelda but there great for a action game . One huge problem with Rygar Legendary Adventure is that there at literally like five different enemies in this whole game (not counting bosses) , you‘ll find about five basic enemies then later in the game they each have more powerful versions. The graphics in Rygar are really impressive , it combines beautiful environments with great looking and detailed characters . The game really stands apart from a lot of games this generation because there aren’t any other games that look like it, mostly because of Rygar’s breathtaking scenery and spectacular looking worlds . Almost all of the environment is destructible and the game suffers from no slow down even on the parts where you’ll be fighting twelve enemies at the same time . The character models look good and there are big seeable pixels that would deteriorate the overall look of the game . This is definitely one of the best looking action games for the Playstation 2. One problem though is you can clearly see that they spent a lot more time making the bosses look a lot better than the regular enemies. Rygar’s sound manages to be great but its pretty much a preference thing. On one hand the music in Rygar is stunning and is really really good, as well as the sound effects . But then you listen to the voice action and you might think this game is done by Porn actors , because its literally that bad. Rygar sounds like the most bland monotone hero ever and the Harmonia sounds like your average damsel in distress. The music in Rygar is great however and makes up for it giving you the feel of a epic adventure but sometime sounding a bit cheesy when you are attacked they bust into cheesy Saturday morning action cartoons music from the gentle and peaceful music you were listening to while exploring. It might not sound weird but the transition isn’t to smooth in Rygar. So far Rygar is sounding like a pretty awsome game right ? Well here it comes ...the single handed worst thing about Rygar The Legendary Adventure . The game is no longer than seven hours ........ yes you heard me , and if you skip “The Pit” which is pretty much the same as the “Demon Realm” in Onimusha where you simply go through about 30 floors of enemies the game can be beaten in about six and a half hours. Yes Rygar is blast while it last , the fighting is fun , the boss fights are fantastic , the dungeons are good but the game is just simply to short . Too add injury to insult the game has hardly any replay value at all , you unlock harder difficulties and different looks for your DiskArmor such as pizza and guitar. You do unlock a mode which lets you jump to any world in Rygar but there is nothing new that would make you want to play the game again. Also on your second time playing Rygar you’ll probably finish the game in about 5 hours . With that said Rygar is still Great game while it last , and definitely one of the better action games for the Playstation -Read my other Reviews