Princess Harmonia looks like Britney Spears........
Camera Angles:
You can't manually adjust the camera angels, instead it's controlled, (cinematic -like view, like a movie). It for me was a little problematic while battling, as walking through a doorway quickly switched the view around. And it does not always follow directly behind the character.
Fighting/controls: The fighting moves are explosive and surprisingly fast, and I must say it felt great---you feel powerful, and with the right combination and timing of pressing the buttons, you can make some really awesome kills. Out of the games I have, I felt the most satisfied with the fighting in this one. What I like as well is that you are able to jump...that always frustrates me when you can't.
Voice acting: may say that the actors sound a little too over-eager sometimes...
Music: orchestra, very movie-worthy I think
Look: I noticed the characters are very well rendered and smooth, though the colors are oddly bright , and they seems to be harsh looking.
However, looking at the walls, or the atmosphere-it's so detailed it can't be ignored, and it is quite impressive. However the environments are very open and not to much to see. And there are invisible barriers in odd places.
Overall the game didn't seem too hard to play, but often I got stuck in some levels. Without help, it can sometimes be confusing what to do next, just for me at least. I say give a try, it is entertaining, and I found it worthwhile.
Hope that helps