While it is a fun trip, Rygar does very little to distinguish itself from other games of the genre..
Rygars story is one of its weaker assets and basically tells the tale of a Britney spears look-alike princess who has been kidnapped and a Warrior named Rygar's journey to rescue her.... And well that’s about it really. Plot aside though, Rygars presentation is decent with the scenery (much of which is destructible) looking expectedly big and mythical, and features nicely animated creatures for Rygar to slay, including some stunning bosses that are only hampered by their slight cheapness. The Rygar character model itself looks quite good too and while the game isn't exactly as epic looking as God of War there is nothing wrong with it from a visual standpoint. The audio on the other hand leaves a lot to be desired. The music is quite frankly terrible and the melodramatic melodies are only slightly less embarrassing than the games soap opera like voice acting. As a result Rygar isn't a game you would ever want to use to show off a sound system. In fact that is some what of an understatement as the sound in this game is just rubbish in every way.
Luckily the core gameplay, namely the action, makes up for a lot. Rygar is played from fixed camera angels and has a similar control set up as any of the other games I have mentioned. Rygar can jump, block and has two attacks that he can use thanks to his trusty Diskarmor. This weapon (of which there are three variations to collect and use) is basically a blade rimmed shield on some form of bungee cord!. The Diskarmor is indeed a handy device and will also let the player swing across certain ledges and do various other nifty things. It is also the only thing that really sets the game apart from others of this type, but at least its a good thing I suppose.
Rygars journey isn't a very long one and although its fun while it lasts anyone who has played through the other games I mentioned at the beginning of this review will probably have a hard time finding anything particularly exciting or note worthy about the gameplay or level design. This is a well polished effort, but its not unique nor does it do anything better than we have seen done before, so its never going to be considered a great game. It is enjoyable though and anyone who likes this sort of thing and just wants more of the same will definitely find it here.
The good stuff:-
Looks nice.
Combat is ace.
Boss battles are epic....
The Bad Stuff:-
.....But they also cheat.
Game is too easy when it isn't frustrating you
Feels uninspired.
Voice acting from soap opera hell.