Rygar is a B-rated God of War. Good but not great.

User Rating: 7 | Argus no Senshi PS2
I admit that Rygar was fun to play, and in my opinion the game was rather difficult. I played it on the PS3 with backward compatibility and I'm pretty sure there was a glitch in the game at the second to last boss, but it was still worth playing. If you played the original NES version of this game, then you will likely feel a sense of nostalgia when playing this game. I must admit that many elements of the game felt exactly the same as they did years ago, just looking much better. This was the biggest positive to the gaming experience. I felt like I went back to playing the NES version in an alternate future. This demonstrates that the team that made the game were really able to capture the feel of the original, not easily done.

However, if you have played God of War 1 or 2, then this game just cannot compare. Unless you find this game in the bargain bin for under 8$, then God of War is a truly superior choice. Only fanatics of the original Rygar or those who have some serious gripe with God of War could disagree.

The comparison is: if God of War is Transformers, then Rygar is Gobots (no disrespect to Gobots, but they just don't compare to the Transformers).

I'd say more but I might as well save your time and redirect you to the god of war page.
