I'll cut to the chase from the word go....
Good - Most of the game look's stunning. Some great affects and set pieces and the best looking Xbox one title so far by a mile.
- It's actually pretty fun and fluid and a lot like the quick time/counter based mechanics that the Batman trilogy has perfected (just not as good).
- The story while short (About 5 hours) is still good enough to make you want to finish it.
Bad - The combat can get repetitive and while I did say it was fun it just isn't deep enough. It's also not helped by the only half dozen different enemy types.
- The multi player, while interesting, ends up being more of the same hollow stuff. Once you've finished the campaign, the multi player just dumps more of the same on you. They could have at least figured a way to have competitive modes, because that would actually be fun.
- The leveling up feel's like an after thought it doesn't really add anything only really consist of a few heath upgrades etc, A couple of new/extra weapons or moves would of been nice.
Last word.... While worth your time and a game to show off your new system with the repetitive nature of the combat and short story stop it becoming a great. It could and should of been much, much more.